2023年11月12日 星期日

AI tools for self evaluation of comprehension

 Using ChatGPT 3.5 (or Claude)

1. Copy the transcript of the video clip  無人機改變物流:凱勒·里諾多 / Zipline執行長 video 15:00  and paste it on ChatGPT 

2. Enter the prompt: 

Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end, tell me out of the 10 questions above, how many questions are correctly answered?

3. Answer each question. ChatGPT will grade it and generate the next question until 10 questions are generated.

Mail to chang212@gmail.com

