我們解決了較簡單的 渡河問題 1,接下來我們來看
渡河問題2 (statement)
Claude solution (incorrect)
ChatGPT o1 solution 1
- backtracking observed
- cannot work independently
- some human corrections required
- overall, it is helpful
ChatGPT fails (4o or o1)
(use Claude to visualize the issue or debug)
Use ChatGPT o1 to generate A* search
4o fails to generate A* search that works
Problem via 許元銘
direct derivation failed
Use Claude second time to generate A*
if Father cannot take daughter onboard, it takes 15 steps. (thanks to the python code generated by Claude)
additional condition - Puzzle 3
to study later
Use Claude to generate A* which is unfortunately incorrectly generated as follows.